Happy DELCO’s 16th anniversary

On November 18, all members of the DELCO Team gathered at DELCO Farm to celebrate their 16th birthday.

With the 16-year journey of establishment and development, from November 20, 2007 until now, DELCO has marked its highlights in the hearts of partners and customers, which has been affirmed as a high-quality industrial construction general contractor in Vietnam.

các thành viên của DELCO Team

This year’s birthday anniversary is very special for DELCO Team because it is held at the busiest time: many projects in the stage of urgent acceptance and punctual handover, many other projects in the important design consultation stage. Temporarily putting aside the busy work, on November 18, all members of DELCO were present at DELCO Farm to celebrate their 16th anniversary together. This is also an opportunity for all departments to look back at their implemented projects, the summary of activities in 2023 and orientation for the next year.

các phòng ban chia sẻ về khó khăn, thuận lợi trong các dự án vừa qua

In the meeting, the departments took turns sharing the difficulties and advantages of recent projects, upcoming challenges, and proposals about measures and plans for the next year.

Delco Team 2023

Delco Team 2023

Delco Team 2023

Delco Team 2023

At the end of this meeting, the DELCO Team had a gentle, cozy party together. After the success of the 15-year DELCO event, it has been a long time since the entire company had time to gather and have fun after hard working days.

Looking back at memorable images from our 16th anniversary party:

Hoa và bánh được chuẩn bị từ sớm

Flowers and cakes are prepared for celebration

Tổ hợp nhà Container lung linh trong đêm sinh nhật 

The Container house complex sparkled on the birthday night

Các tiết mục âm nhạc sôi động

The exciting performances

Chúc cho DELCO Team sẽ luôn vững vàng và cùng nhau đi xa hơn nữa!

Wish the DELCO Team will always be steadfast and develop further together!

DELCO would like to send sincere thanks and share a happy and cozy birthday to all customers and partners!
