Regulations on green area minimum ratio in factories in Vietnam

According to the National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning, the minimum ratio of green area in factories in Vietnam is 20% of the total land area. The trees planted in factories are not required to be specialized species, but it needs to meet certain standards.

In industrial parks, due to the large amount of air emissions from factories, planting is a necessary solution to absorb CO2, prevent harmful substances and dust, reduce noise as well as prevent water pollution. In addition,standard green area helps enterprises save energy, comply with current standards, and enhance the aesthetic value of the project.

Quy định mật độ cây xanh trong nhà máy tại Việt Nam

According to Circular 01/2021/TT-BXD, the Ministry of Construction stipulates that the minimum green area in factories must be 20%. This is to reduce the concrete area, lower the greenhouse effect, contributing to ecological construction in accordance with the current trend of developing green industry and sustainable industry.
Trees planted in factories are not required to be specialized species; however, they must meet certain standards. For instance, small timber trees must have a minimum height of 2 meters, a diameter of 5 centimeters, and a root ball diameter of at least 40 centimeters. Large timber trees must have a minimum height of 3 meters, a diameter of 6 centimeters, and a root ball diameter of 60 centimeters. In addition, factory emissions often contain harmful substances such as NO2, CO, CO2… so the factory’s owner should plant trees in clusters adjacent to land boundaries to minimize the amount of emissions from the factory spreading into the surrounding environment. This method is applied by planting trees in clusters or rows with a certain distance, with one or two tree or lawn species, depending on the area and purposes.

các nhà máy thường lựa chọn trồng các loại cây bóng mát

Currently, popular trees planted at the factories are shade trees such as Taiwan banyan, ebony, tamarind…; decorative trees, shrubs such as palm, acalypha, string of pearls… which meet the requirement , while also helping to increase the factory’s aesthetic and air quality.

trồng cây trong nhà máy đòi hỏi các nhà máy phải tính toán khoa học

In conclusion, green area play a crucial role in reducing air pollution. However, planting trees requires factories to make scientific calculations and adhere to the approved design, guarantee compatibility with the architectural space of the factory as well as maintain standard access for transportation and fire prevention.

See more: Notable new points in QCVN 01:2021/BXD on construction density

See more: Steps to carry out environmental impact assessment (EIA) report in industrial construction
