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After various major projects, we have a multiplicity of experience in industrial construction field as well as technical personnel management. The process of construction management, supervision and quality control at Delco is strictly implemented, helping to closely control each project item, ensuring the construction quality of workshops and factories as committed to the investor.

Delco implements the process of supervising and managing construction quality according to the PDCA cycle in the ISO 9001 and 14001 system.



Plan and list items that need to be checked for quality according to the construction supervision checklist. The checklist clearly shows the items, the implementation plan, etc. to perform sequentially, avoid omitting small items, and at the same time gives detailed evaluation methods to ensure objectivity principles.


Evaluate and check the construction quality of construction work items at the site according to the checklist. Mark, take photos of defects if any. Hold a meeting to discuss solutions and implement solutions to fix those defects.


Check the items that have been fixed; measure and evaluate whether those items have met the initial requirements or not. Only when the Construction Quality Management Department approves, the person in charge can end the process and move on to the new item.


After completing the above tasks, the Project management board and engineers held a meeting to review, draw experiences and make changes to optimize the work, increase the quality of construction, and reduce the risk of the similar mistakes in other projects.

Thanks to the application of this quality control cycle closely, DELCO gradually optimize the construction process of each item, reducing errors and further increase productivity, accuracy in the next projects, to ensure the highest construction quality.