DELCO continues to be the general contractor of Annex Electronics Project in 2021

Winning the bid amid the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, DELCO has researched and changed many project management methods, trying to ensure the schedule and quality of the committed work.

ANNEX Electronics factory project

As a subsidiary of the famous Diptronics Manufacturing Inc. of Taiwan (with 4 other manufacturing facilities in China, 2 manufacturing facilities in Vietnam & representatives offices in The USA & Brazil), ANNEX specializes in manufacturing all kinds of quality power switches for used in mobile phones, cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.

Thanks to previous successful cooperations, investor ANNEX continues to trust DELCO to assign new projects in 2021. With the characteristics of bidding and deploying right in the 4th wave of Covid-19, DELCO has researched and carefully calculate financial plans, epidemic prevention plans to ensure the construction quality and construction progress committed to the investor.

ANNEX Electronics factory project in 2021
ANNEX Electronics factory project in 2021

COVID-19 Prevention Measures at Construction Site

The project started at the end of June 2021 – amid the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in many southern provinces. In response to the increasingly complex epidemic situation, DELCO has researched and changed many project management methods.

At ANNEX construction site, 100% of DELCO workers and technicians strictly adhere to the safety measures to prevent and control the epidemic:

  • All are arranged resting and living places inside the construction site, minimizing movement, ensuring epidemiological control measures.
  • Have body temperature check and disinfect hands daily, wear full masks and be reminded to keep a distance when working.

Online meeting with the Construction Site Managers. Photo was taken before July 20, 2021

Through online meeting tools, surveillance camera technology, progress reporting software, … The Board of Directors and the Construction Site Managers always urge and direct closely to the project, ensuring the schedule and quality of the work that DELCO has committed to the investor.

The ANNEX electronics factory renovation project is expected to be completed and handed over at the end of September 2021.

>>> See more: Handing over of ANNEX electronics Company Limited
