Integrating IoT technology into factory management

Applying IOT technology in manufacturing helps businesses manage machinery and equipment remotely, collect, and analyze the data quickly, accurately, and transparently, thereby helping businesses give a more precise, rapid solution.

Overview of IOT technology

IOT is an abbreviation for Internet of Things, a network of interconnected devices over the Internet. These devices can collect, exchange, and transfer data to one another, then automatically update it on the internet in real time without direct human intervention.

Tổng quan về công nghệ IOT


Applying IOT technology to manufacturing allows businesses to remotely manage, and monitor the machinery and equipment, which is time-saving and cost-effective, enhances production efficiency, minimizes errors and risks, and creates a smart, efficient manufacturing environment, meeting the trend of automotive manufacturing in the future.

Applications of IoT technology in factory management

Predictive maintenance

IOT technology enables the collection of data from machinery and equipment, as well as the provision of warranty-maintenance warnings, which helps the factory devise appropriate manufacturing and warranty-maintenance plans; thereby extending the equipment’s durability and reducing costs effectively.

giải pháp kết nối nhà máy thông minh tổng thể

DELCO provides a comprehensive smart solution to connect the factory for investors at Power Plus Technology factory with IOT technology and automation which allows monitoring the operation of machinery-equipment systems in the factory 24/24.

Energy saving

Thanks to IOT technology, the devices are automatically connected, operated independently, remotely turned on/off, etc which helps investors easily control the consumed energy of machinery and avoid wasting energy under circumstances where employees forget to switch off the devices after use.

Công nghệ IOT tiết kiệm năng lượng

DELCO consults and designs smart factory systems, allowing machinery systems to use large amounts of electric energy such as Boiler, Chiller, remove dirt and paint fumes, etc, and operate in line with the actual capacity, saving 15-25% consumed energy. 

Safety warning

IOT technology will monitor and issue warnings about human errors such as forgetting to turn off machinery, switching on/off many times, overloading, etc., leading to additional costs, and causing dangerous incidents such as failures, explosions, etc. IOT applications will help managers control and promptly prevent these situations, minimizing potential incidents during the manufacturing process.

DELCO designs a smart factory system that combines monitoring and adjusting equipment operation, which helps save fuel and power consumption, etc., at the sports protective gear factory, Yen Binh, and Thai Nguyen industrial zone.

Asset management

IOT technology helps manufacturers manage assets in the factory conveniently. Sensors or smart devices can be embedded in the assets to monitor the location and operative status, helping managers be aware of the assets’ status in the factory as well as minimize the loss and damage to assets.

The benefits of applying IoT technology in factory management

Collect data automatically and transparently

Traditionally, a factory’s data factory will be collected by the employees manually. Collecting and storing the data on paper is susceptible to human errors as well as it can affect the transparency of overall data.

Meanwhile, IOT applications will allow automatic data collection in real-time, data will be sent directly to the management system without going through any intermediaries, ensuring the integrity of data. This provides accurate, transparent data to help investors easily analyze and make the best business decisions.

DELCO 첨단기술 농장 확장 프로젝트 – 닭 양계장 3

Applying IOT technology at DELCO high-tech farms helps managers monitor all production activities through the most accurate data.

Cost saving

At IOT factory, by using Internet-connected devices, manufacturers can streamline their working processes, and automate certain tasks such as data collection to save time significantly.

In addition, monitoring and providing data on the condition of machinery and equipment allows manufacturers to perform preventive maintenance, thereby minimizing machine downtime as well as saving repair fees.

Increase device durability

Applying IOT to manage and monitor the operating condition of machinery and equipment helps manufacturers maintain machinery on time, ensuring that the machinery is not overloaded; thereby increasing durability and extending the lifespan of machinery and equipment in the factory.

Lợi ích của việc tích hợp công nghệ IoT trong quản lý nhà xưởng

Applying IOT technology in production to control nutrition and environment for animals and plants at DELCO high-tech farm

Minimize errors

IOT technology helps manufacturers digitize some tasks such as reducing some processes and replacing people who enter data manually. This minimizes human errors and ensures absolute accuracy.

See more: Smart factories and typical IOT applications implemented by Delco

See more: 8 Green Factory Design Trends for 2024 in Vietnam
