Building factories in Ha Nam: Advantages, Development Vision and List of Industrial Parks

With its advantageous location, synchronized infrastructure, along with the progressive and sustainable economic development policy, Ha Nam has become the destination attracting investors to build factories.

Advantages of choosing to build factories in Ha Nam

Convenient geographical location

The geographical location of Ha Nam offers significant potential for economic development and is favorable for building factories. Ha Nam is located in the Southwest of the Red River Delta, within the key economic region of Northern Vietnam. It serves as the southern gateway to the capital city and is 58 km away from Hanoi. Ha Nam shares borders with Hung Yen, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, and Hoa Binh provinces, creating favorable conditions for economic cooperation with neighboring provinces, cities, and major economic centers.

Ha Nam Province Geographical Map

Diverse topography and abundant resources

In addition, Ha Nam is an attractive destination for many investors to build factories due to its unique advantages in terms of terrain and abundant resources: including plains, hilly terrains, and valleys. The western mountainous region is rich in mineral resources, particularly limestone, which is essential for the development of the construction materials industry (especially cement). The delta region consists of fertile land, river banks along the Red rivers, suitable for agricultural production and agro-processing industries. 

Transportation network

Ha Nam has a highly favorable transportation network. It is located on the North-South railway axis and the highway 1A – the vital national location and facilitates convenient economic cooperation with other provinces, cities, and major economic centers within the country, as well as connections to seaports and airports for international trade.

Ha Nam Province Transportation Map

Regarding transportation infrastructure, Ha Nam has a road system of over 4,000 km, including national highways, provincial roads, and inter-district, inter-commune, and inter-town traffic routes that have been paved with asphalt or concrete. There are also over 200 km of waterway with convenient water traffic flow, supported by 42 well-built bridges, as well as thousands of kilometers of rural roads, forming a cohesive transportation system. This comprehensive transportation network creates favorable conditions for investors to build factories in Ha Nam. It also facilitates convenient movement and transportation of goods.

FDI attraction policy

Ha Nam offers diverse and comprehensive investment promotion methods, with focal points and priorities, and an attractive business –  investment environment. This is the reason why many investors choose to build factories in Ha Nam, including major FDI enterprises such as Honda, Sumi, YKK…

Human resource development policy

The provincial leadership has implemented policies and measures to create favorable conditions for domestic investors and support FDI investors in Ha Nam in developing their workforce. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Implementation of labor-related regimes and policies
  • Supporting enterprises in industrial parks in labor recruitment.
  • Close monitoring of labor management.
  • During the challenging period of the COVID pandemic (2021-2022), Ha Nam province showed special attention and collaborated with the Department of Health to organize vaccination for workers in industrial parks.

Industrial infrastructure development policy

With the goal of becoming a province developed in high-tech and modern industries, Ha Nam has formulated a development plan for industrial parks in the period 2021-2025 (with a vision towards 2030) with the following policies to develop the infrastructure of these industrial parks:

– In February 2023, Ha Nam added four more industrial parks to the provincial plan (Dong Van V Industrial Park, Dong Van VI Industrial Park, Kim Bang I Industrial Park, Chau Giang I Industrial Park), providing clean land reserves for investors to build factories in Ha Nam.

– Managing planning and improving infrastructure of industrial parks.

– Enhancing the efficiency of industrial parks and clusters (ensuring the provision of electricity, water, environmental sanitation, and security in industrial parks).

– Promoting administrative procedure reforms.

– Upgrading and improving the transportation infrastructure adjacent to the industrial parks.

– Developing technical infrastructure projects to ensure synchronized connectivity.

Investment promotion policies

The provincial leadership also presents policies and commitments to build trust with businesses when choosing to build  factories in Ha Nam:

  • Providing clean land without charging fees for businesses to build housing for workers.
  • Supporting and creating optimal conditions for businesses when they have the need to expand production or change their business plans.
  • Assisting businesses and investors in understanding laws, policies, investment procedures, and labor sources,..
  • Continuously updating and amending the investment encouragement and preferential regulations applicable in the province to align with the new regulations of the Government in order to actively support investors.

Large industrial parks attracting investors to build factories in Ha Nam

Dong Van I Industrial Park

The main industries: mechanical engineering, automobile manufacturing and supporting; food processing; textile; paper product manufacturing; handicraft production.

Location: Dong Van, Duy Minh, Bach Thuong, Yen Bac Town, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 368.1 hectares

Occupancy rate: 100%.

Dong Van II Industrial Park

The main industries: electronic mechanical assembly; food processing; consumer goods and light industry; jewelry processing; production of precision electronic components, motorcycles, automobiles; household electrical appliances; mechanical engineering…

Location: Duy Minh, Bach Thuong Town, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 321 hectares

Occupancy rate: 98%

Dong Van III Industrial Park

The main industries: food processing; mechanical assembly, electrical & electronic; consumer goods manufacturing; various other industrial sectors.

Location: Dong Van, Tien Noi, Hoang Dong Town, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 523 hectares

In Phase I, the occupancy rate reached 96.83%. In Phase II, the occupancy rate reached 68.76%

Dong Van IV Industrial Park (Kim Bang Industrial Park)

Khu công nghiệp Đồng Văn

The main industries: electronics, automobile manufacturing and assembly; mechanical engineering and manufacturing; consumer goods production, and industries that support the high-tech sector.

Location: Dai Cuong, Nhat Tan, Nhat Tuu Communes, Kim Bang District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 300 hectares

Occupancy rate: 94,77%

Hoang Dong Industrial Park

The main industries: manufacturing and trading of consumer goods and exports such as garments, lace embroidery, leather shoes, textile production, cosmetics production, household wooden furniture, interior design; mechanical engineering, agro-forestry-fishery processing, and assembly for electronics and refrigeration,..

Location: Hoang Dong Commune, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 100 hectares

Itahan Industrial Park

The main industries: contract manufacturing, processing of consumer goods, pharmaceutical processing, garment manufacturing, footwear production, packaging, plastic products, construction materials, and mechanical engineering.

Location: Dong Van Town, Tien Noi, Hoang Dong Communes, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 300 hectares

Hoa Mac Industrial Park

The main industries: agricultural and food processing; production of high-end consumer goods; textile, footwear, and construction materials; production of components, assembly of electronics, telecommunications, and information technology.

Location: National Highway 38, Hoa Mac Town, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province, Vietnam.

Scale: 200 hectares

Occupancy rate: 88,64%

Nhà máy DORCO Living Vina tại KCN Hòa Mạc, Hà Nam

DORCO Living Vina Factory – by DELCO as the design-build contractor in Ha Nam province (2021). 

Thai Ha Industrial Park

The main industries: textile and garment; mechanical assembly, production of spare parts, electronic components; consumer goods manufacturing, handicrafts; food processing and agricultural products processing, and some other industrial sectors.

Location: Bac Ly, Tran Hung Dao, Chan Ly Communes, Ly Nhan District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 200 hectares

In 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has just signed Decision 179/QD-TTg approving the investment policy for the construction and operation of the infrastructure of Thai Ha Industrial Park Phase 2, with a scale of 100 hectares and an operational period from March 6, 2023 to November 15, 2069.

Chau Son Industrial Park

The main industries: electrical & electronic, consumer goods manufacturing; mechanical engineering, manufacturing, and assembly; agricultural product processing and food; textile and garment, as well as construction materials production.

Location: Phu Ly City, Kim Bang and Thanh.

Scale: 377 hectares

Occupancy rate: 86,55%

Thanh Liem Industrial Park

The main industries: mechanical assembly, spare parts manufacturing; production of consumer goods, handicrafts; textile and garment; food processing and agricultural product processing,..

Location: Phu Ly City and Thanh Liem District, Ha Nam Province.

Scale: 292.99 hectares.

In Phase I, the occupancy rate reached 100%. In Phase II, the occupancy reached 70%.

Recognizing the potential for economic development., many FDI investors choose to build factories in Ha Nam

The development planning and establishment of new industrial zones in Ha Nam province (during the period of 2021-2030,  with a vision towards 2050)

Dong Van V Industrial Park

Location: Tien Noi Ward, Tien Ngoai Commune, and Yen Nam Commune, Duy Tien Town, Ha Nam Province.

Planned area: 250 hectares.

Dong Van VI Industrial Park

Location: Tien Ngoai, Yen Nam, and Tien Son Communes, Duy Tien Town, Ha Nam Province.

Planned area: 250 hectares.

Kim Bang I Industrial Park

Location: Le Ho, Dai Cuong, and Dong Hoa Communes, Kim Bang District, Ha Nam Province.

Planned area: 230 hectares.

Chau Giang I Industrial Park

Location: Chau Giang Ward, Moc Nam Commune, Moc Bac Commune, Duy Tien Town, Ha Nam Province.

Planned area: 210 hectares.

In addition to the 4 industrial zones included in the planning, Ha Nam province also proposes the establishment of 10 new industrial zones during the 2021-2030 period with a vision towards 2050 to meet the needs of investors in manufacturing and building factories in this area, such as:

Chau Giang II Industrial Park

Location: Moc Nam and Moc Bac communes, Duy Tien town, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 250 hectares

Kim Bang II Industrial Park

Location: Le Ho, Tuong Linh, and Dong Hoa communes, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 270 hectares

Kim Bang III Industrial Park

Location: Thi Son, Lien Son, and Thanh Son communes, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 300 hectares

Kim Bang IV Industrial Park

Location: Hoang Tay and Van Xa communes, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 300 hectares

Thanh Binh I Industrial Park

Location: Liem Tuc and Liem Son communes, Thanh Liêm district, Hà Nam province

Planned area: 145 hectares

Thanh Binh II Industrial Park

Location: Liem Tuc and Liem Son communes, Thanh Liem district, and Tieu Dong commune, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 300 hectares

Thai Ha II Industrial Park

Location: Tran Hung Dạo, Bac Ly, Nhan Nghia communes, and some surrounding areas of Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 245 hectares

Thai Ha III Industrial Park

Location: Duc Ly, Bac Ly, Nhan Nghia, Nhan Khang, Nhan Chinh communes, Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 245 hectares

Dao Ly Industrial Park

Location: Dao Ly, Nguyen Ly, Duc Ly, Cong Ly communes, Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 200 hectares

Bình Lục Industrial Park

Location: Trung Luong, Boi Cau, and Hung Cong communes, Binh Lục district, Ha Nam province

Planned area: 300 hectares

Bản đồ quy hoạch phát triển các khu công nghiệp tỉnh Hà Nam thời kỳ 2021 – 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050

Map of the development planning of industrial zones in Hà Nam province during the period 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050.


KCN Hòa Mạc, nhà máy NITTOKU Việt Nam

As a design – build contractor for numerous large factories in Ha Nam, such as DORCO Living Vina 2 Factory at Hoa Mac Industrial Park, NITTOKU Vietnam Factory at Thi Son Industrial Park, and Advanced Material Vietnam Factory at Hoa Mac Industrial Park,… DELCO has experience in construction and understanding of investment environments, ready to provide consulting services to optimize costs, save time, and efficiently implement projects.

Source of information: Ha Nam Provincial Portal, Ha Nam Newspaper, Ha Nam Party Committee Newspaper, Invest Vietnam Newspaper, VOV World – Voice of Vietnam, Economic and Forecast Magazine..

See more: Map of Vietnam’s key industrial zones

See more: Breakthrough opportunities of Viet Nam’s Industrial Real Estate Market
