Two-storey factories – the “easy but difficult” trend of industrial construction

Trend of 2-storey factories

2-storey factory is a new trend, which is interested by investors in recent years. The land fund is limited, while the trend of FDI in Vietnam continues to heat up despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the rental price of industrial real estate in Vietnam has continuously increased over the past 10 years. Currently, prices have reached 150-200 USD / m² in some central industrial zones of Vietnam.

Lowest price (USD/m²)Medium Price (USD/m²)Highest Price (USD/m²)
TP HCM150225300
Long  An110153195
Binh  Duong80115150
Đong Nai95133170
Tay Ninh8090100
Đa Nang5075100
Quang Nam354555
Quang Ngai304662
Bac Ninh85105125
Ha Noi120190260
Bac Giang769390
Hai Duong658095
Hai Phong80108135
Hung Yen8090100
Ha Nam586775
Nghe An385265
Thai Nguyen506070

For more information: Vietnam’s industrial property rental prices for the period 2020-2021

Therefore, building a 2-storey factory helps to optimize the land area, thereby saving a lot of site costs for the investor. Moreover, by reducing the cost per square meter of construction floor area, with the same investment rate, the Investor can choose to build a 2-storey workshop in the central areas with better infrastructure and traffic, help increase business opportunities and reduce plant operating costs.

Thiết kế nhà xưởng 2 tầng DELCO triển khai cho khách hàng

DELCO’s design of 2-storey factory 

Designing and building a 2-storey factory… a difficult challenge

Although there are many advantages, but designing and building a 2-storey factory is not a simple challenge for any general construction contractor.


2-storey factory requires a floor structure capable of bearing large loads to ensure safety for production, as well as allowing the arrangement of machinery, equipment… on the 2nd floor. Power Plus Technology, with 3 multi-storey factories, DELCO used prestressed structure to help ensure safety and increase bearing capacity, as well as to ensure the operation of machinery line.

The 2-storey factory of GS Vietnam Factory, designed and built by DELCO as the general contractor

Power Plus工艺工厂

2-storey employee canteen designed and built by DELCO 

Optimize factory area

DELCO’s engineers calculate carefully during the design period of the 2-storey factory, so that the entire elevator, staircase… is arranged in the most appropriate, convenient during operation but still saved factory area.

Natural light and landscape design

Compared with a 1-storey workshop, a 2-storey factory has less space to access natural light, and noise-canceling issues also need to be carefully calculated. DELCO pays great attention to the space, landscape and lighting for the factory’s staff to be most comfortable when working. In particular, DELCO always tries to bring green spaces into the factory landscape, helping to improve the health of the employees.

Dự án xây dựng nhà máy Power Plus Technology

Overview of Power Plus Technology project designed and built by DELCO, with 2-storey workshops optimized for landscape and natural light.

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