DELCO in the 4th wave of Covid-19

New wave of Covid-19 in Vietnam: several outbreaks in the industrial zones

The 4th wave of Covid-19 in Vietnam, new strains that spread very quickly, have been breaking out in a number of provinces and cities. The number of positive patients in Vietnam has increased to 9,635 cases (as of 16:00 on June 10, 2021), according to statistics of the Ministry of Health.
Bac Giang (3,673 cases), Bac Ninh (1,215 cases), Ho Chi Minh City (542 cases) are localities where complicated outbreaks are occurring, and the number of infections is increasing rapidly, concentrated in a few industrial parks such as Dinh Tram, Van Trung, Song Khe (Bac Giang), Que Vo (Bac Ninh) and some small and medium industrial clusters in Ho Chi Minh City.

Implementing Decision 2686/QD-BCDQG dated May 31, 2021 of the National Steering Committee On COVID-19 Prevention And Control, currently Vietnam’s industrial parks have been performing the task of both ensuring the fight against the epidemic and ensuring the production plan of the enterprises. The solutions both ensure the requirements of isolation and social distancing, ensure the fight against the spread of the epidemic on a large scale, and maintain the production of essential goods to ensure workers’ lives and production plans of enterprises in epidemic areas.

  • Some factories are crowded with workers, facilities are qualified to organize for workers to stay, live and work at factories and factories in a closed manner.
  • Reorganize production, assign work shifts to reduce the number of workers per shift.
  • Workers in the F1, F2 category are required to isolate at home and do not go to work.

DELCO in the fight against Covid-19

Accomplish 3 goals at the same time: Anti-epidemic safety – Guarantee progress – Quality

The DORCO Ha Nam project is being implemented during the 3rd and 4th Covid-19 wave in Vietnam. To ensure safety against the COVID-19 epidemic, while having to fulfill the commitment to the construction schedule, DELCO applies the necessary methods:

1. Working at DELCO’s head office:

Due to the complicated situation of corona disease, it is difficult for investors to survey and exchange project status with the general contractor. DELCO always tries to adapt to the new situation, quickly update technology to exchange and consult through the Online meeting tool, helping investors not be behind schedule, ensuring a smooth information flow during project consultation.

Online meeting between DELCO and Italian investors
Image: Online meeting between DELCO and Italian investors

2. Ensuring safety for the workers: 

– Complete medical declaration for 100% of workers, notify the list of people working on the construction site to the ward health department and local police. Regularly keep in touch with local agencies to promptly update information and policies of local authorities.

– Implement regulations on living and production in a self-contained way: DELCO has built a temporary camp area in the construction site area to facilitate workers’ accommodation and construction on site. Avoiding contact with outsiders, reducing the risk of infection.

– Minimize the movement of workers, maintain a stable number of employees working at the project. Do not bring in human resources from other localities due to lack of understanding of their contact tracing. Accept the lack of workers to ensure safety against the epidemic. Increasing overtime to make up for the shortage of workforce.

– Technical staff and workers who have previously traveled to high-risk areas are required to make a medical declaration and follow the instructions of medical staff (self-isolate at home for the prescribed time, do not go to the construction site).

3. Site security control: At the security gate, it is mandatory to check and make medical declarations, measure body temperature before entering the construction site.

Đo thân nhiệt, xịt khuẩn tại cổng công trường DELCO
At the security gate, it is mandatory to check and make medical declarations, measure body temperature before entering the construction site.

4. When working inside construction site: 

100% kỹ sư và công nhân tuân thủ các quy định phòng chống covid 19

– Daily temperature check before entering the construction site. If suspicious cases are detected, they will not be allowed to enter the construction site.

100% cán bộ kỹ thuật, người lao động cần đeo khẩu trang toàn thời gian.

– 100% of technicians and workers need to wear masks all the time. Technical staff must regularly check and remind workers to strictly comply.

Thường xuyên họp ban chỉ huy công trường, lên kế hoạch thi công và ứng phó với các diễn biến bất ngờ của dịch.

– Regular meetings of the construction site manager, planning the construction and respond to unexpected developments of the epidemic.

– In addition, changing face-to-face meetings to online meetings between the Contractor and the Investor, between the Office staffs and the construction site engineers, helps to limit physical contact and reduce the risk of infection.

Thanks to the proactive strategy of preventing and responding to the epidemic, Delco’s projects is still being implemented on schedule, ensuring the quality as committed to the Investor.




