Bhutan agricultural agent visits Delco Farm

On December 10, the Leadership Board of DELCO warmly welcomed the Bhutan Agricultural Agent to visit and learn the our farm model.

The tour program is organized by the Bhutan Agricultural Department in cooperation with the National Agriculture Extension Center. DELCO is honored to be one of the typical farms selected by the National Agriculture Extension Center and Bac Ninh province to welcome the delegation.

Đoàn khuyến nông Bhutan đến thăm DELCO Farm

Bhutan delegation to DELCO Farm

On behalf of DELCO, General Director – Mr. Le Khanh Manh directly welcomed the delegation in an extremely cordial and warm atmosphere. In this visit, Bhutan Delegation consisted of Bhutan Agriculture Department leader and the farmers who directly applied high technology on farm.

DELCO Farm is constructed by DELCO Construction and Vietnamese partners, which received attention from domestic and foreign organizations thanks to the application of high-tech agricultural model.

Receiving guests in DELCO Farm

Directly into the farm

The model of high-tech agricultural application is no longer be strange to Vietnam. However, in order to correctly understand the operation and proper knowledge of organic agricultural products, a thorough research and investment process is needed. DELCO is honored to be one pioneers applying high technology in agricultural production. Knowledge exchange among organizations from different countries will be the motivation for DELCO staff in general.

Bhutan delegation in DELCO Farm

The visit marked a good relationship between two countries Vietnam – Bhutan, by exchanging – learning experience in the field of high-tech agricultural applications. Hopefully, in coming time, DELCO Farm will continue to receive new guests, bringing good energy for the farm.
