Power Plus Technology factory groundbreaking – Channel Well Technology Group

In September 2019, DELCO officially signs a contract with Channel Well Technology Group in which DELCO takes part in as a general contractor and design consultant of project Power Plus Technology factory. This is a large-scale investment of Channel Well Technology Group in order to increase market share and also develop new products in the field of power supplies for computers and phones.

About Channel Well Technology

Channel Well Technology is one of the world’s leading multinational corporations in power supplies for computers, phones, consumer electronics, cloud computing… The Group builds a reputation among the ODM industries in the field of energy supplies. Since 1993 the group has had 7 large factories in Taiwan, USA, China, Vietnam…

Photo: Dock Wireless Charger is one of the latest products from Channel Well Technology

Project: Power Plus Technology factory

Total area: 4.8 ha
Total floor area: 59,205.5 m2
Location: Que Vo III Industrial Park, Bac Ninh province
General contractor: DELCO

The project uses new technologies appliance to optimize space, save operating costs such as: 2-storey factories, wastewater treatment systems, smart factory systems to manage workers, manage working hours via sensors and data.

